Areas of Practice
In-Custody Deaths
Many medical examiners and coroners diagnose “Excited Delirium” when investigating in-custody deaths. We will examine all the factors contributing to such deaths and give science based assessments of whether law enforcement actions contributed to the death. Unfortunately, these actions are often ignored when conclusions about cause and manner of death are made on the official death certificate.
Brain injury resulting in disability or death
Dr. Happy has extended training in forensic neuropathology and has diagnosed, analyzed, and evaluated hundreds of head injury cases, including pediatric head injury cases.
Deposition and courtroom testimony
Dr. Happy has been admitted as an expert in anatomic and forensic pathology, and forensic neuropathology in several states and has given deposition and courtroom testimony in hundreds of cases. He has spent years developing a style of explaining complex medical and scientific principles in everyday language that juries and laypeople can understand.
Autopsy report and medical record review
Autopsy reports and medical records contain medical jargon that makes it difficult for those without medical training to understand what they say. Dr. Happy has spent years writing, interpreting, and explaining these complex documents in plain English to families, juries, law enforcement, and lawyers in and outside the courtroom setting.
Wrongful death, consumer product, and worksite death review and analysis
Dr. Happy is available to assess the cause of death, its relation to faulty or dangerous consumer products, worksite violations, and wrongful deaths. He has personally performed or supervised the investigations of hundreds of such cases.