Expert Forensic Pathology Consultation Services

ForensicPathExpert is Christopher Happy, MD.

Dr. Happy is a Board Certified forensic pathologist with over 18 years of experience working in medical examiner and coroner offices in jurisdictions across the United States. He has personally performed over 5,000 autopsies and has supervised another 5,000 medical-legal death investigations while serving as a Chief Medical Examiner. He has held medical licenses in the states of New Mexico, New York, Wisconsin, and Hawaii and currently holds an active medical license in the state of California.

Areas of Practice

Autopsy report and medical record review


Autopsy reports and medical records contain medical jargon that makes it difficult for those without medical training to understand what they contain. Dr. Happy has spent years reviewing, interpreting, and explaining these complex documents in plain English to families, juries, law enforcement, and lawyers in and outside the courtroom.

Wrongful death, consumer product, and worksite death review and analysis


Dr. Happy is available to assess the cause of death, its relation to faulty or dangerous consumer products or worksite violations, and as a factor in wrongful death suits. He has personally performed or supervised the investigations of hundreds of such cases.


“Show me the manner in which a nation cares for its dead and I will measure with mathematical exactness the tender mercies of its people, their respect for the laws of the land, and their loyalty to high ideals.”

– William Ewart Gladstone

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